Monday, March 31, 2008

We interrupt the regularly schedule Monday’s Money Funny segment to share a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

As many regular readers know my brother and I have been training to run our first Marathon. We were inspired after running our first half-marathon last March and have been training ever since with the heavy training and gearing up occurring over the last four months.

D-day arrived this Sunday and we put on our running gear and headed out in the cold to accomplish out goal. Even thought we’d been training for so long and many long runs ramping up to our peak of over 20 miles, we still struggled some during the actual race. But we persevered and finishing just 4 minutes past our training goal finish time.

I have this amazing sense of accomplishment from having run 26.2 miles and knowing that my hard work and training paid off. I’m still feeding off my runners high from yesterday even thought I’m rather soar and walking like an 80 year old today.

Like most things in life I can relate it all back to personal finance. While personal finance is usually not as physically painful as a Marathon it does take sacrifice and planning to achieve your financial goal. To achieve a financial goal, be it retirement or a new TV, you make the plan to achieve it, implement the plan, and then do it.

I got this similar sense of accomplishment (although not nearly as great) when I opened my Roth IRA and started saving for my future car.

The photo on the left is of my brother and I after we finished the Half-Marathon last March, I’ll share a picture from this years Full-Marathon once they are posted


Anonymous said...

Congrats. I ran the half. I probably would have done the full but I injured myself in january and couldn't do much in the way of training until early march.

"Future Millionaire" said...

@ kyle - Congrats to you too. Are you still on a runner's high like my bro and I? I hope you'll plan to run again next year.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That is a huge accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I have run one marathon and it really is an accomplishment to be proud of! Great work!

"Future Millionaire" said...

Hmm...I'm sensing a little trend from Kyle and Change is Good Who Both run half/full marathons and I know Frugal Zeitgeist is also a marathoner --- do you think there might be a correlation between personal finance bloggers and long distance running? Maybe it has to do with the goal setting.

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