Friday, February 15, 2008

Found A New Blog to Start Reading -- Banker Girl

Found a new blog I'm going to start reading...Banker Girl. According to her About profile she's an early thirties real life banker from the Midwest and has been"preaching to my friends about the importance of reigning in unsecured debt, coaching clients on how to improve their FICO scores, and explaining to business owners the importance of liquidity ratios." But in her own worlds is "a financial hypocrite . To date, I haven’t put my money where my mouth is."

Banker Girl's Blog is the journey to financial independence which I can completely relate to. She promised to"dish up advice, include a few (anonymous) client anecdotes, and link you to financial resources that I have found helpful."

I hope you'll enjoy her blog as much as I have discovered.

(photo borrowed from her blog logo)


Laila @OnlyLaila said...

Thanks for the heads up, will check that out!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on another new blog for me to read!

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