Thursday, February 19, 2009

Net Worth Update

I went back to my last published net worth update from July to compare it to my current net worth. In the last seven months my net worth has grown dramatically - primarily due to a $32,000 bonus I received in September (see I told you it was worth waiting to change jobs until after my bonus from the V-town project was released). The remaining increase in my net worth comes from interest earned on my money in the bank and diligent saving.

Updated 2/8/09 Change from Previous Month Updated 7/1/08 Change from Previous Update
Total Net Worth $151,362.09 $1,747.55 $110,872.13 $40,489.96
Net Worth Comprised of
Retirement Savings: $31,922.01 -$44.48 $29,881.15 $2,040.86
401k $25,663.54 $415.56 $23,932.15 $1,731.39
Roth IRA $6,258.47 -$460.04 $5,949.00 $309.47
House Down Payment $58,634.87 $58,634.87 $57,401.89 $1,232.98
Future Car Savings $10,286.27 $271.10 5,458.48 $4,827.79
Future Investment Savings $0.12 -$36,193.68 $5,458.48 -$5,458.36
Investments $37,416.97 $37,416.97 $37,416.97
Emergency Fund/Money Market: $12,416.42 $582.82 $11,435.17 $981.25
"Cash"/Checking: $685.43 -$464.92 $1,236.96 -$551.53

1 comment:

Success Is said...

This is the first post that I have read on your site. Because of this post, I am now forced to read through all of your previous posts to figure out how you got here. I love blogs like this one, that show the journey on the way to the goal. Keep updating us, and I am sure you'll hit the $1M mark sooner than expected.

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