Sunday, July 20, 2008


As part of my deep thinking and rejuvenating on the cruise I've made a decision about the blog. Lately its been feeling forced and despite Changing my post schedule my post have still been short and not the quality that I really want to share so I've yet again changed my mind. I'm going to go back to the reason I've

I'm going to blog just for my personal enjoyment and I'm only going to blog when I have the time and when I have something to share. So who knows when my next post will be, maybe some time this week maybe sometime next month, but I can assure you that This Future Millionaire will still be on track financaily and she still wants to share plenty with readers so keep checking back every so often or subscribe to my reader so that you can be sure to find when my next post pops up.

Until then...Happy Personal Finance Thought!


Anonymous said...

It seems there have been a couple of us that have gone through this... myself included (last month). Take your time and make sure that you enjoy blogging!

Anonymous said...

I saw an artical on TV today that said there is a way you can get a diebt card to borrow money from your 401K retirement account. Oh my gosh... You can blow your retirement at Starbucks and the local pick-up bar.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Millionaire,

Hope you are doing well. We miss your good info.

The welding industry is slowing down with no pick up in sight.


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